We just entered Ecuador on our way back north. Although this country is not a “Banana Republic” within the political discussion, it has definitely the biggest banana production in the world. Below you can see “Herbie goes bananas” while the sun was setting.

The Love Bug reached the border between Peru and Ecuador late afternoon. After we crossed it, we went shopping some food in Machala and drove on to El Guabo.

We already knew the border patrol men quite well, because we crossed this particular border already by following the “Pan-American Highway” on our way south.

In Peru we went across the Desert of Sechura and passed the Pacific a last time. The landscape changed dramatically – from a very dry to a pretty humid area.

Tomorrow we’ll drive along the western section of the “Pan-Am” towards cities like Riobamba, Ambato, Latacunga and eventually Quito, before entering Colombia.

We left the Pacific coast for good. The Caribbean is waiting for us in Colombia, where Herbie will have to go across by ship, the same way he came to South America.