The following pictures are showing VW Bugs Domi owned in the past and he has sold for different reasons.

Schwarzer Käfer 4

Schwarzer Käfer 2My first car after I got my driving license: A black VW Bug 1200L (34 hp) from the early 1980ies built in Mexico.

Roter Käfer 6

Werbung 1

Roter Käfer 9My second Beetle: A 1200L in mars red also from Mexico.


IMG_0586The third one: A banana yellow 1300 built in the 1970ies in Emden, Germany.


IMG_9116Number four: VW 1300 from 1967 with 40 horse powers in lotus white and original 6 Volt.


IMG_9449Probably my favorite I sold: A bit modified VW Type 11 Luxus from 1963 made in Wolfsburg, Germany.


IMG_2299The last one: That was a reliable VW 1200L from the mid 1980ies I drove during the Austrian winters.